Bildschirmfoto 2024-03-04 um 11.53.30

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California Dreamin’

Uwe H. Martin & Frauke Huber

September 24, 2015

California has been suffering from a severe drought for five years now. Uwe H. Martin photographed the nightmare in the heart of the US agricultural industry.
Almond blossoms stretch as far as the eye can see: California cultivates more produce than anywhere else in the United States. Consequently, the drought is reaching catastrophic proportions. What to do once the water has all run dry?
EQUIPMENT: Leica M9, Leica M (Typ 240), Summicron-M 28mm f/2 Asph, Summilux-M 35mm f/1.4 Asph, Summicron-M 35mm f/2 Asph, Noctilux-M 50mm f/0.95 Asph.

LFI 7.2015+-

You can see the reportage in LFI 7.2015. More

Uwe H. Martin & Frauke Huber+-

Bildschirmfoto 2021-07-20 um 12.04.25
© Frauke Huber / Uwe H. Martin

The duo have been working together, since 2007, documenting the social and ecological consequences of global agriculture. Their work appears in the form of journalistic publications, linear web documentation, interactive apps, and installations in art institutions. Their projects are part of the collaborative art and research project World of Matter, which Martin was involved in founding in 2010. Over the years, Martin and Huber have received much recognition and many awards for their work, including the German Reporter Award, the Greenpeace Award, the German Short Film Award (Lola), and the Development Media Award. More


California Dreamin’

Uwe H. Martin & Frauke Huber