About Us
See more, read more – know more: Since 1949, LFI – Leica Fotografie International has been the definitive magazine for anyone with an interest in the world of Leica and the art of photography.
LFI serves as a grand stage for photography, and celebrates the medium’s diversity in eight issues per year. From in-depth reportages to fine-art portfolios and commercial projects, every facet of photography is represented.
Reliable, first-hand information about the latest Leica developments is complemented by valuable insights into photographic practices, and expert knowledge on all Leica camera systems.
In addition to the printed magazine, the LFI website is a vibrant hub brimming with extended content. This includes the LFI.Gallery – a curated platform showcasing images by photography enthusiasts from around the world – as well as the LFI Stories section, and much more.