The world of yesteryear
The world of yesteryear
March 13, 2016
Hélène Hoppenot: Jeune fille au puits, lac Atitlán, Guatemala, 1953
Like the exhibition's title, her pictures – taken between 1933 and 1956 – speak of the world of yesteryear, on the edge of modernity, a world before, during and after the Second World War. From Guatemala to Cambodia, from North America to Tunisia and Sicily, the 10-week exhibition brings together over 150 small and medium format, colour and black and white photographs taken by the artist.
Further information available at: Pavillon Populaire
Hélène Hoppenot: Jeune fille au puits, lac Atitlán, Guatemala, 1953
Hélène Hoppenot: Éventaire de postiches de théâtre, Pékin, 1933-1937
Hélène Hoppenot: Arbre et cage, 1935