Silent Witness

February 11, 2024

Do landscapes ‘remember’ past events? Steffi Reimers’ Guilty Grounds is on view at Amsterdam’s Foam 3h until 14 February 2024.
With Guilty Grounds, Foam 3h presents the first solo exhibition of Dutch photographer Steffi Reimers. The series was created in Calabria, South Italy, where Reimers explored the dark side of the region’s history – retracing the origins and actions of one of the world's most powerful criminal organisation, the Ndrangheta. 
The result is a conceptual photo project filled with tension, in which the landscapes of the Aspromonte National Park are revealed as silent witnesses to past crimes. Landscapes that were once peaceful and serene, now resonate with the pervasive influence of the Ndrangheta.

In a region where the mafia and its activities are often denied, Guilty Grounds is a powerful reminder of a shocking part of Italian history, inescapably confronting viewers with an uncomfortable truth. With the deliberate exclusion of human figures from her images, Reimers draws our undivided attention to the concealed scars and tales these landscapes have held onto – eliciting empathy and unease, and inviting each viewer into a narrative of his or her own interpretation.
Katrin Ullmann

Silent Witness