Guillermo Cervera Calonje: When I think about Ukraine…

Guillermo Cervera Calonje

March 16, 2022

“When I think about Ukraine, this picture comes to mind. Young kids hanging out at the beach in Odessa, while the Russians invade Crimea.”
“When I think about Ukraine, this picture comes to mind. Young kids hanging out at the beach in Odessa, while the Russians invade Crimea. Ukraine is a beautiful country with amazing people full of courage and energy, most of them kind to me and ready to help me to do my work. Spring in Ukraine is colourful and the fields are full of life. Today, the freedom of the entire planet is threatened. It only remains to be seen how the rest of the world will react to what may be the worst dilemma we have ever faced.”

Text and image: © Guillermo Cervera Calonje

Guillermo Cervera Calonje+-

Born in Madrid in 1968, Guillermo Cervera Calonje is a freelance photojournalist represented by Aurora Photos, who documents armed conflict and social issues for the international press. His work covers stories such as the Bosnian War in 1993, the gang wars in Caracas, Venezuela, the uprisings in Libya and Egypt in 2011, or daily life in Afghanistan. His photographs are published regularly in The New York Times, Newsweek, Marie Claire, The Guardian, Paris Match, Rolling Stone, La Vanguardia, ABC and El Mundo, among others, and have been exhibited in galleries in Madrid and Barcelona. His reportage on the Ukraine was published in LFI 6/2014. More


Guillermo Cervera Calonje: When I think about Ukraine…

Guillermo Cervera Calonje