German Photo Book Award 2024

May 24, 2024

One month left for submissions: Anyone who loves and works with photo books is invited to enter the volume of their choice until 15 June 2024. 
Every year, the German Photo Book Award celebrates the diversity and creativity of the country’s photo book culture. Publications of different genres and styles are evaluated by an independent jury, consisting of experts from the fields of photography, graphic design, publishing and the art scene. 
To illustrate the broad and ever-evolving spectrum of the contemporary photo book, the contest is divided into twelve categories – ranging from exhibition catalogues to coffee-table books, from conceptual monographs to graduation projects and photo-theoretical volumes. The submitted works must have been published within the past twelve months (15 June 2023 – 14 June 2024). 

Aspects such as visual quality, layout, content relevance and design all form part of the jury’s considerations, with Gold, Silver and Bronze medals awarded in each category. Further information about the German Photo Book Award – along with rules of participation and an overview of past winners – can be found here.
Katrin Ullmann

German Photo Book Award 2024