
Cédric Roux

May 1, 2020

Since mid-March, the street photographer has been in quarantine with his wife in their shared Parisian apartment. After initially hesitating to pick up his camera, he now takes photos in the apartment every day.
LFI:Please tell us about your situation in Paris!
Cédric Roux: I’ve been in quarantine in the centre of Paris with my wife since March 14th. I only go out to a grocery store 30 meters from my home. I try to keep to the quarantine as much as I can, out of respect for the medical staff who have asked us to stay home for security reasons and to stop the spread of the virus. People often complain about a lack of time for themselves. I think we must take advantage of this situation to reflect upon ourselves and to take care of our loved ones.

What does a typical day for you look like?
For me, the days are very classic because I’m still working; the only difference is that I’m working from home. So my working days are more comfortable than usual. For anything between 20 and 60 minutes at the end of the working day, I do a sports session with lots of different exercises to stay in shape.
Then we finish our days with movies or a series. We usually go to the cinema two or three times a week. Fun fact: two weeks before the quarantine, we bought a video projector. With this confinement, it has become one of our best purchases ever.

Do you feel like your creativity as a photographer is now more limited, or have you found a way to expand it?
It’s sure that, being mainly a street photographer, my activities have declined. I waited for a few days before picking up my Leica Q2. Unfortunately, my windows look onto a courtyard, so I can’t see the street: my view is of other windows in front of me, and a little courtyard below. I try to play with the windows, and the light when it comes into my room. I’ve also taken some portraits of my wife.

What do you miss the most?
The one thing I miss the most is a good margherita pizza from one of my favourite places in Paris. I miss the quest looking for shots in the crowd. And it will be great to see my family and friends again.

What keeps you going?
I’m living with this confinement pretty well, realizing how lucky I am compared to people who are infected, have lost loved ones, or the medical staff. So it’s not difficult, I just have to be patient.
Denise Klink
EQUIPMENT: Leica Q2 with Summilux-M 28 f/1.7 Asph

Cédric Roux+-

by Warren Lecart
© Warren Lecart

Born in 1982, the French photographer lives in Paris. His first experiences with street photography are closely linked to New York City, where he found the courage to dive, visually, straight into the pulsing streets. He has been working with a Leica since 2017, and his work has been exhibited internationally. In 2022, he published My Wonderland – a photographic journey through Manhattan – from Central Park to Downtown. More



Cédric Roux