Frozen in Time

Aurélien Voldoire

June 21, 2023

The French photographer speaks about his passion for capturing dream-like states for perpetuity.
“My work consists in capturing moments as fragile as a carefree childhood, moments that are seized unexpectedly. I work on a photographic reality aimed at becoming a poetic fiction that favours the emergence of new dream landscapes. To achieve this, I work on the depth of field, the blur effect, in colour or in black and white, the grain of the photo, the backlighting, and always with the 28mm fixed focal length of my Leica. What I'm looking for is escape, lack of control, fragility, the sensitivity and spontaneity of childhood, and the overall freedom of life.

This particular image was taken in August 2021 when I returned from Corsica on a ferry. Shooting at night was a bit tricky because, even with a wide aperture, I only had a shutter speed of 1/15s, hence the slight blur (which doesn't bother me). I've learnt to move away from sharpness, which can be the first thing you may think about when you're photographing. By chance, the only light on that evening came from our cabin — with my youngest daughter at the window. I'm happy that this image will be part of my photo book called Les cheveux longs (Long hair), which is scheduled for publication in the fall of 2023.

I bought a Leica Q in 2020. It's not heavy and therefore easy to carry around with me. The pictures I took with this camera made me re-discover the art of photography. Full format, 28mm fixed focal length and 1.7 aperture… a marvel!”
Text and image: © Aurélien Voldoire
EQUIPMENT: Leica Q, Summilux 28 f/1.7 Asph.

Aurélien Voldoire+-

© Alexandra Benkemoun

Aurélien Voldoire has been a photographer since 2010. His numerous trips, especially to the United States, have sharpened his eye, so he now tackles themes like loneliness in cities, the fleeting space-time, or the state of transition in a contemplative and timeless atmosphere. His previous works have entitled him to exhibit at many festivals like Arles, Lens Culture, Liberation or Px3. More


Frozen in Time

Aurélien Voldoire