Alexandre Chamelat
September 21, 2020
“I took this photo at the Timanfaya Volcano National Park on the island of Lanzarote. It’s pretty representative of the Litósfera series I produced during two weeks of hiking on the Canary Islands in November of 2019, because it conveys my search for a dialogue with the mineral. In the picture you can see my efforts to breathe life into this stone, to give it a personality, a sensitivity, a face. Its character traits can be discovered under its rigid exterior, revealing feelings and the traces of tears of lava from another era. The word lithosphere, litósfera in Spanish, comes from Greek: lithos meaning stone, and sphaîra: meaning ball – literally, ball of stone.”
The whole series has been published in LFI Magazine 7/2020.
Alexandre Chamelat+-
Alexandre Chamelat was born in Les Lilas close to Paris in 1990; he grew up in Toulouse and lives in Bordeaux. As a graduate from the School of Photography and Game Design (ETPA), he bases his artistic approach on the discovery of a territory that is often in close relationship to people and the Earth. His photography is both aesthetic and documentary at the same time. Chamelat is a member of the Cyclop Collective that was founded in 2015. The collective’s mission is to have its members share their individual visions of the world, whether working on personal or commissioned projects. More