Wild, Wild West

May 7, 2018

From 5 Mai to 30 June 2018, Leica Gallery NRW presents an exhibition of works by Ellen von Unwerth.
From 5 Mai to 30 June 2018, Leica Gallery NRW presents an exhibition of works by Ellen von Unwerth.

Ellen von Unwerth is unequivocally one of the most influential fashion photographers of our time, as well as one of the most important female photographers of the past few decades, whose clients include many of the most distinguished industry names.

Her series Wild, Wild West was created exclusively for Leica and is featured in the S Magazine No. 8. Despite their on-trend and fashionable nature, the images also exude a classic quality inherent in the works of all truly great photographers.

Producing the entire series with the Leica S has doubtlessly influenced the photographer’s chosen visual language. Equally significant is the fact that, as with all S Magazine projects, the artist was given completely free rein – an unusual luxury, given that commercial shoots are of course usually determined by the aims and wishes of the client.

For details on the S Magazine go to s-magazine.photography

Wild, Wild West