On the Cover Photo
On the Cover Photo
Todd Hido
March 30, 2024

“This image was made last March, somewhere north of the town of Livingston in Montana. When I walked down the path into a stand of dying trees, I instantly saw that unmistakable crucifixion shape: once you see it, it’s awfully hard to unsee it... At other angles the branches come together in a way that is not quite so directly religiously evocative, but I liked the dynamic nature of this composition.
I’ve always been inspired by paintings, whether it’s the cold winter light of Dutch portraits, the sparkling landscapes of Hudson River School paintings, or the emotionally laden skies of J.M.W. Turner and Caspar David Friedrich.
It’s so important to me that the meaning of the image resides with the viewer, and that people bring their own experiences and emotions to each photograph. That inherent ambiguity means that I'm not trying to direct anybody how to respond; I'm simply asking the viewer to look and feel. That’s why I don't title my photograph with anything other than numbers, so as not to lead anyone down a narrative path beyond what is provided from the image.”
Todd Hido+-
Born on August 25, 1968 in Kent, Ohio, USA. He studied at Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts, and at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. Hido received his M.F.A. from the California College of Arts and Crafts in Oakland, California, in 1996. His work has been widely exhibited and is represented in numerous collections. He prefers to publish his series in illustrated books; more than 15 publications have appeared to date. He now lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. More