Hippies, Nuns & Acrobats

Thomas Hoepker

June 17, 2024

Images by legendary Magnum photographer Thomas Hoepker are displayed at the Leica Gallery Frankfurt until 22 June 2024.
With the exhibition MitMenschen – Von Hippies, Nonnen und Akrobaten, Leica Gallery Frankfurt presents a key part of Thomas Hoepker’s life’s work. The primary focus of the showcase is the artist whose multi-faceted experiences gave rise to such a wide variety of situations – culminating in visual stories that can almost be read like a book. The showcase features mostly unknown images that were ‘rediscovered’ in the photographer’s archive last summer.

As a photojournalist, Thomas Hoepker (b. 1936 in Munich) traveled all around the world: he documented suffering, poverty and famines, but also the beauty of nature and humanity. People and social themes have always been his main interest. He is a true humanist, whose photographic approach is often associated with the social-documentary genre of ‘concerned photography’. With a keen eye and great sensitivity, he has captured politically motivated, socio-critical images – while allowing space for a good dose of humour. Serendipity plays an important role in his photography – often inspiring renditions of reality that are infused with irony and wit. At the same time, he always respects those he portrays and never compromises their dignity.

The showcased photographs revolve around everyday scenes of idiosyncratic people and perspectives, absurd architecture and landscape shots, or simply comical situations and encounters. What clearly transpires from these images is the personality behind the camera, whose skilful, well thought-out compositions paint a picture of society infused with subtle humour and understated acuity. As the photographer himself once put it: “Our task is to extract the moments that are worth seeing from the tangle of ordinary life.”
Katrin Ullmann

Thomas Hoepker+-

Thomas Hoepker © Arne Wesenberg
© Arne Wesenberg

born in Munich in 1936. Early successes and awards. Photo reporter for the Münchner Illustrierten in 1960; as of 1962 member of the Kristall editorial team, then working for Stern as of 1964. In addition to black and white pictures, Hoepker is able to produce early colour pictures for the magazine. Here too, his Leica is his indispensable work tool. Starting in the 1970s, he also works as a cameraman producing numerous documentary and TV movies. Hoepker moves to New York in 1976, and from 1978 to 1981 is the Executive Editor of the American edition of GEO. He returns to Hamburg and works as Art Director for Stern's chief editorial team. In 1989 he becomes the first German member of the renowned Magnum Photos Agency, acting as its President from 2003 to 2007. He produces further documentaries with his second wife, the film maker Christine Kruchen. He is the recipient of numerous awards, including the Culture Prize of the German Photographic Society (DGPh) in 1968. In 2005, thousands of photographs are donated to the Photography Museum in the city of Munich. In 2014 Hoepker is honoured with the Leica Hall of Fame Award. After a long illness, he passed away on July 10, 2024 in Santiago de Chile. More


Hippies, Nuns & Acrobats

Thomas Hoepker