Caught in a Beam of Light

Michał Wesołek

July 25, 2019

Last year, Michał Wesołek won the Huawei Next Image Award for mobile photography in the Good Night category. The photographer spoke with us about how his winning picture came about, and explains how to stand out amid the flood of images that appear on Instagram every day.
LFI: What is the story behind your winning image?
Michał Wesołek: The image was captured in my home town of Gdansk in late February 2018. It was the last snowy day. Despite the late hour, I decided to go for a walk, together with my love. We reached the Gdansk Shakespeare Theatre, which was celebrating an anniversary at the time. Because of this event, there were artists presenting installations inspired by Shakespeare's literature, all around the complex. Everything looked absolutely mysterious and was covered in fallen snow. We were totally alone, and I realized that this was the perfect scenario for taking a photograph.

What role does mobile photography play in your life? Do you shoot exclusively with your phone or do you use other cameras as well?
I’m a mobile phone photographer only. I believe, that the best camera is the one I can always carry with me. Thanks to their advanced technology, phones make it possible to capture almost any moment we want. Mobile phone photography is a very important part of my life. It’s not only my job but it’s my biggest hobby and passion. Photography can also be a way to meet new people: in our local photographer community, we often get together to visit interesting places – such as museums or industrial facilities – and shoot pictures. The Huawei Next Image Award gave me the opportunity to start a collaboration with Huawei. I became a member of the Team Huawei in Poland and had the chance to work with really inspiring people.

It seems that nowadays everyone takes pictures with their mobile phones; but only a few of them are really outstanding. What do you think distinguishes a good picture from a bad/boring one?
In general, I think that people are becoming more and more afraid of being original and unique. The same applies to photography. On Instagram we see hundreds of photos, captured in the same places and in the same ways. If you want to capture good and interesting photos, you have to frame a “story”. You have to create something new.

Once again this year, passionate smartphone photographers are invited to prove themselves, by submitting pictures in six categories. Time is of the essence, however, as the deadline for submissions is July 31. You can find all the necessary information at: Huawei Next Image Awards.
Danilo Rößger
EQUIPMENT: Huawei Mate 10 Pro

Michał Wesołek+-

Michał Wesołek focusses on smartphone photography and is a member of Team Huawei. A social media enthusiast, he looks after the Instagram photo community in his home town of Gdansk. He describes himself as a happy person who has been able to turn his passion into his profession. More


Caught in a Beam of Light

Michał Wesołek