The World in its Fragility

Luca Locatelli

October 3, 2023

Gallerie d’Italia in Turin currently presents two high-profile exhibitions: ‘Mimmo Jodice. Senza Tempo’ and ‘Luca Locatelli. The Circle’.
‘Mimmo Jodice. Senza Tempo’ – on display until January 7, 2024 – is the first retrospective exhibition of the multi-faceted photographer’s work in many years. Jodice’s oeuvre encompasses a range of themes that go beyond pure documentation. As a self-taught photographer, Jodice (b. 1934 in Naples) experimented with a variety of techniques, materials, and methods of image manipulation. In this exhibition, the gallery – which is located in the monumental Palazzo Turinetti di Pertengo – focuses on works the artist created in the 1960s.

With the exhibition ‘Luca Locatelli. The Circle’, on view until February 18, 2024, the Gallerie d’Italia in Turin presents the world premiere of the new series by environmental visual storyteller Luca Locatelli, winner of both the 2020 Leica Oskar Barnack Award and World Press Photo Contest. For more than five years, Locatelli travelled across Europe in search of stories about cutting-edge sustainable solutions informed by circular economy measures. The resulting exhibition encompasses 100 photographs along with video installations, texts and infographics. Curated by Elisa Medde, the showcase was organised with the support of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, in collaboration with Fondazione Cariplo and Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo, and in partnership with Leica Camera.

Luca Locatelli+-

© Luca Locatelli

Luca Locatelli was born in Italy in 1971. After studying Information Technology, he worked as a software developer before beginning his career as a documentary photographer in 2006. He has been a photographer for National Geographic since 2015, and has been represented by agencies such as the Institute for Artist Management since 2016. Within the framework of his work as a photographer and film maker, he produces his stories in collaboration with journalists, environmental activists and scientists, to better contextualise his research. Locatelli lives in Milan. More


The World in its Fragility

Luca Locatelli