Local and Global Realities

May 3, 2022

From May 1, 2022, Toronto’s Scotiabank CONTACT Photography Festival presents over 140 exhibitions and outdoor installations by Canadian as well as international artists.
The 26th edition of the CONTACT Photography Festival once again turns Toronto into a vibrant backdrop for exceptional photography. Throughout the month of May, museums, galleries, public spaces and other venues across the Greater Toronto Area will host exhibitions, installations and projects by documentary photographers and photojournalists, both from within Canada and beyond.

The list of represented artists includes Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Farah Al Qasimi, Lara Almarcegui, Claudia Andujar, Deanna Bowen, Tyler Mitchell, Esmaa Mohamoud and Shirin Neshat, to name but a few. The addressed topics are centred around conflicts and global issues of the present day, such as climate change, Black culture and identity, the effects of colonialism and systemic racism, as well as intergenerational knowledge and histories.

This year’s edition continues to place a strong focus on BIPOC voices. As well as broadening the audience’s knowledge, the festival aims to serve as a platform for meaningful conversations, and introduce new perspectives into the public discourse.

For further information visit Scotiabank CONTACT Photography Festival

Local and Global Realities