Lightbox 6.2024

September 2, 2024

To mark the 75th anniversary of LFI Magazine, we are presenting a Lightbox Best-Of with 22 selected images.
“To see and been seen” has been the LFI.Gallery’s motto since it was first introduced in issue 6.2007. From then forward, our photo editors have regularly hunted for treasures among the uploads to the website. Perfectly staged portraits, hilarious encounters, breathtaking nature and intimate observations: time and again, we are rendered speechless by the pictures submitted by our community. For our jubilee celebration we have curated a Best-Of selection — a mammoth project! But we believe that these photos exemplify the fabulous variety our LFI.Gallery has to offer. Enjoy!

And don't forget: You can still take part in our LFI.Gallery Challenge until 25 September, in which we take a look into the future together. You can find more information here

LFI 6.2024+-

LFI celebrates its 75th birthday with this jubilee issue. Discover the most captivating stories from the past decades of LFI on a photographic journey. Also in the magazine, inspiring young talents and their wishes for the future as well as true Leica legends with their most iconic images. In addition, the tools of an artist: exciting special editions and curiosities from the world of Leica. More


Lightbox 6.2024