LFI Lightbox 5.2024

July 17, 2024

Over 55 000 photographers present more than a million pictures in the LFI.Gallery. This issue includes traditional crafts from Myanmar and vibrant colours.
Image 1: “Everything in the image matches up perfectly: the light, the colours and the movement.Just one exposure, and the shot was in the bag. I tried to take more pictures of the scene, but the moment had already passed as the greendoor locked into place behind the man.” Krid Karnsomdee

Image 2: “In northern Vietnam, I held a photography workshop on the interplay between light and shadows. I had recently picked up my 100mm Macro-Elmarit-R lens at the Leica store in Wetzlar and was eager to testit out. The hat casts a gentle grid of shadows on the model’s face.” Justin Mott

Image 3: “Though most of my pictures are not posed, I simply had to ask the protagonists in this image if I could take their photograph. They looked so beautiful and gracile and complemented each other. After a short chat, I learned that one of them was a dancer at the Palais Garnier.” Jean-Flavien Piquemal

Image 4: “The farmers in the village of Bagan in Myanmar often cultivate the skill of making traditional Burmese parasols for an additional source of income. When their part of production is done they let the glue on the paper umbrellas dry in the sun. A magical sightto behold.” Apisak Kanjanapusit

Image 5: “This picture captures a chance moment in the east of Los Angeles: a girl happily skipped by this hearse. I see this imageas a metaphor for everything happening in my life, and also the larger world. Despite everything, we can’t lose our levity.” J. D. Stroud

Image 6: “During the pandemic I started a project called Colours Miami. I wanted to capture the lesser-known side of the city, that exists beyond its 
lovely beaches. Miami is a vibrant place, where all Latin American cultures embrace their colours and coexist peacefully.” Sebastian Mignola

Image 7: “On a visit to Singapore I headed towards the market in Little India. On the way there I saw two yellow-clad people about to cross paths at a street corner. The vertical line of the building’s edge looks like a mirror and represents the many facets of life in this country.” Akan Kang

Image 8: “These workers subject themselves to dizzying heights, as their contribution to society. This picture is a metaphor for the balance between work andlife, standing in opposition to the expectations of fast-paced, high-pressure careers. I took the shot in Shanghai in spring.” Yafei Wang

LFI 5.2024+-

In this issue we present street photography by newcomer photographer Edmond Leong. Also featured: the work of photographer Henrike Stahl created at Château Palmer, candy-coloured images by Teresa Freitas and Nicola Zolin's reportage on the Warao in Brazil. Director Joel Coen takes a look at the œuvre of Lee Friedlander and discovers the Leica Classic's extraordinary sense of form and composition. More


LFI Lightbox 5.2024