Leica Oscar Barnack Award: Shortlist Revealed!

July 18, 2024

For 44 years, Leica Camera AG has been honouring the work of outstanding photographers with the world-renowned Leica Oskar Barnack Award. The finalists for the 2024 edition have just been announced. 
In the course of an elaborate selection process, twelve series have been shortlisted from a pool of 253 nominations, submitted by 80 photography experts from around the world. This year’s international jury is composed of: Dimitri Beck (Head of the Photography Department at Polka, France); Per Gylfe (Director of Education at the ICP New York, USA); photographer and former LOBA Newcomer Award winner Ciril Jazbec (Slovenia); Amélie Schneider (Head of the Picture Editorial Department at Die Zeit, Germany); and Karin Rehn-Kaufmann, Art Director and General Representative of Leica Galleries International (Austria). Anticipation continues to mount as both the main LOBA winner, and the winner in the Newcomer category, will not be revealed until 10 October 2024.

The shortlist contains a highly diverse range of approaches – with a broad spectrum of themes being addressed by the selected photographers: Forough Alaei (The Underneath of the Calm Streets of Iran); Anush Babajanyan (Nagorno-Karabakh War and Exodus), Emily Garthwaite (Tears of the Tigris), Lucas Lenci (Inattention Era), Maria Guțu (Homeland), Ksenia Ivanova (Between the Trees of the South Caucasus), Sara Meneses Cuapio (Raízhambre/Root Hunger), Davide Monteleone (Critical Minerals – Geography of Energy), Adriana Loureiro Fernandez (Paradise Lost), Etinosa Yvonne (It’s All in My Head), Ingmar Björn Nolting (An Anthology of Changing Climate), and Tong Niu (Express Delivery). 

All shortlisted projects can be found at www.leica-oskar-barnack-award.com
Katrin Ullmann

Leica Oscar Barnack Award: Shortlist Revealed!