Fantastic Beasts

Florian W. Müller

October 7, 2022

From October 11 2022 to January 5, 2023, Leica Gallery Stuttgart presents the exhibition ‘Of Rare Creatures and Unusual Perspectives’ with works by Florian W. Müller.
From October 11, 2022 to January 5, 2023, Leica Gallery Stuttgart presents the exhibition ‘Of Rare Creatures and Unusual Perspectives’. The showcase comprises excerpts from Florian W. Müller’s ‘Neglect’ trilogy, centred around some of the world’s most endangered species.

Photographed at night-time in Frankfurt’s Senckenberg museum, and at the Senckenberg Research Institutes in Munich and Dresden, the trilogy is made up of the following series: ‘Anima’ features artfully lit ‘portraits’ of preserved animals that are critically endangered, or have already gone extinct. ‘Samsa’ – inspired by Franz Kafka’s novel ‘The Metamorphosis’ – draws our attention to the insect world, using colours of a sometimes exaggerated intensity to highlight the strange beauty of these six-legged creatures. The third series, ‘Icarus’ is dedicated to the realm of ornithology – with allusions to the Greek legend of the boy who flew too close to the sun, defying all warnings.

The exhibition is accompanied by landscape photographs and abstract views.

Leica Gallery Stuttgart is open Monday to Saturday from 10:00 to 18:00. Admission is free. The exhibited photographs are available to purchase.

For further details visit Leica Galerie Stuttgart
ALL IMAGES ON THIS PAGE: © Florian W. Müller

Florian W. Müller+-

© Florian_W_Mueller-Headshot
© Florian W. Müller

The trademark of the internationally awarded and exhibited photographer is his experimental form of visual communication, which challenges the viewer to reflect on the content of the images. From 2020 to 2022 Florian W. Mueller was a member of the Federal Board of the Professional Association of Freelance Photographers and Filmmakers (BFF), and he is also a member of the Association of Photographers (AOP) in London. More


Fantastic Beasts

Florian W. Müller