Paris Libéré

Cédric Roux

July 2, 2021

The pictures Cedric Roux has taken in Paris reveal that, even in times of a pandemic, it is possible to pursue one's passion for street photography with heart and soul.
With unusual perspectives and new approaches, the French photographer offers a fresh take on the street photography genre. He spoke to us about the influence that New York had on his work, and how street photography can help you overcome any kind of shyness.

LFI: At what point in your life did you start with photography, and how did this passion develop over time?
Cedric Roux: I started photography at the age of 30; but gradually. Indeed, that year, I only practised artistic photography for a week when I discovered New York: I had been offered a camera, then a trip to New York, so it was the perfect time to start. However, upon my return, I hardly did any street photography until the end of 2013, when I went back to New York for a week and that's when it all really clicked. Following that, I started practising street photography very regularly in Paris. For the past few years, I've been lucky enough to be able to show my work in solo and group exhibitions in different countries. It has become more than a hobby, but I still work on the side to continue to do only what I love in photography.

On your homepage you state: “It took a trip to New York to overcome my natural shyness and dare to take the plunge to start photographing.” Could you elaborate on that?
Indeed, I looked at photo books or archives of street photographers on the internet for a long time, before daring to try street photography. Being a rather reserved person, I didn't dare to take the plunge and start taking photographs myself, because I was afraid of the contact with passers-by, which at that time seemed inevitable. In New York, I noticed that most people were not paying attention to me and my camera. So I was able to wander the streets and try to capture the scenes that came my way. Finally, I also thought that if someone came to talk to me, I could play the card of the tourist who doesn't understand what they're saying.

What are you looking for when roaming the streets? Do you have a specific approach?
When I'm out with my camera, I really try to be open to everything around me. I try not to lock myself into any specific practice. I'm interested in people passing by, the traces they leave, animals, but also the urban elements that constitute our modern environment. It's the same for my way of proceeding: though I'm more of a hunter who can follow an interesting subject for several minutes, I still allow myself to wait for the right moment to capture a scene in a setting that I have chosen. I'm not only looking for an incredible aesthetic, I'm also looking for everyday moments that tell a story.

While the pictures presented here represent a selection of the work Roux produced in Paris during the corona pandemic, the latest issue of LFI magazine presents a picture series he took in Marseille.
Danilo Rößger
EQUIPMENT: Leica Q, Summilux 28 f/1.7 Asph

Cédric Roux+-

by Warren Lecart
© Warren Lecart

Born in 1982, the French photographer lives in Paris. His first experiences with street photography are closely linked to New York City, where he found the courage to dive, visually, straight into the pulsing streets. He has been working with a Leica since 2017, and his work has been exhibited internationally. In 2022, he published My Wonderland – a photographic journey through Manhattan – from Central Park to Downtown. More


Paris Libéré

Cédric Roux