Hunting trophies

Armin Floreth

November 8, 2016

Armin Floreth looks at the places he wants to photograph during the daytime, then decides if he wants to photograph the landscape at dawn or at sunset. He does not work in full daylight.
As a hunter, Armin Floreth spends a lot of time in nature. It is the school where the German photographer trains his eye, and it is also a repeated source of new inspiration. He plans his landscape motifs meticulously, and he avoids daylight. Sunrise or sunset is his time of day.

See the full article in LFI 8/2016.

What aspects are decisive in your selection of photographs and when you edit?

Every time I’m going to head out on a photo excursion, I plan and research in advance, so that I can be better prepared for the outer conditions, such as the sunrise or sunset, and the weather. With morning outings I explore the area and also allow room to be spontaneously surprised by everything that nature has to offer.

Most of your landscape photographs are taken at sunrise or sunset, or during the twilight hours. Why?

As far as I’m concerned, sunrise, sunset and twilight are the perfect times of day for my type of landscape photography. The low lying sun bathes everything in warm colours. This imbues the pictures with a beautiful feeling and a very special charm, which I personally like a lot.

What does photography mean to you?

With photography I’m able to capture the moment with all its emotions and colour, and exactly like I see it with my own eyes. Photographing and processing landscape images in particular, allows me to be even more intensely aware of nature and my surroundings.

Armin Floreth+-

Born in Limburg an der Lahn in 1959, Floreth has worked as an administrations employee for the State of Hessen since 1981. The nature lover and hunter is a self-taught photographer. More


Hunting trophies

Armin Floreth