Nature up CLOSE

March 22, 2014

Historical black and white photographs illustrate the diversity of unique shapes found in flora and fauna: showing at the Kunsthaus Kaufbeuren, Bavaria, from 22 March to 29 June 2014
With macroscopic black and white images, the exhibition NatureUp Close opens our eyes to the infinite diversity and unique shapes found in the world of animals and plants. The viewer experiences the subject through the entirely individual, yet almost scientific imagery of artists Karl Blossfeldt, Alfred Ehrhardt, Gary Heery and Maria Rucker.

The works of renowned Australian photographer Gary Heery (taken from his acclaimed series Zoo) capture specific characteristics of each animal – the deadly jaws of a crocodile, the folds in the skin of a monkey, the scales of a reptile.

Karl Blossfeldt and Alfred Ehrhardt took an entirely different, yet equally striking approach by highlighting beauty where few people would suspect to find it. Their macroscopic images of intricate shapes and structures of plants or shells perfectly embody the New Objectivity movement of the 1920s.

Further information at Kunsthaus Kaufbeuren

Nature up CLOSE