Pulitzer Prize 2016

April 20, 2016

Four New York Times’ photographers have won the Pulitzer Prize in the Breaking News Photography category. Daniel Etter is among them!
Four New York Times’ photographers have won the Pulitzer Prize in the Breaking News Photography category: Daniel Etter, Mauricio Lima, Sergey Ponomarev and Tyler Hicks. In justifying their choice of winners, the jury explain that it was given, “for photographs that captured the resolve of refugees, the perils of their journeys and the struggle of host countries to take them in.” The four photographers can look forward to sharing the 10,000 dollars in prize money.

You can read further contributions on the refugee situation by Daniel Etter at: LFI 3/2016. In his In Peril on the Sea reportage, Etter presents a a small boat with a big assignment: aboard a converted fishing cutter, the crew of the Sea Watch roam the Mediterranean looking to help refugees in danger at sea.

The American journalist and media prize has been awarded since 1917 – for the hundredth time this year! – and is treated like the Oscars of journalism. You can find further information about the Pulitzer Prize and the winners in the other categories at: Pulitzer.org.

Pulitzer Prize 2016