October 25, 2014

An exhibition of 18 photographic approaches to the theme “images of a world in process of change”, is running until November 3, 2014, at the Alexanderplatz (U8) underground train station in Berlin.
In the last few years, Europe has shown itself, above all, as a Europe in crisis. It is, however, interesting to share the many other stories around: the small utopias and the great visions that are applied in daily life. Across borders, a number of photographers set out in search of this other Europe.

Through their work, we encounter people facing current commercial, societal and social challenges with courage and creativity. Beyond the normal habits of a western lifestyle and consumerism, they create models for a sustainable way of life in a globalised world.

Changing Realities is a project set up by the Gesellschaft für Humanistische Fotografie (Society for Humanistic Photography) (GfHF). It fosters engaged photographers, who deal with societally-relevant subjects. In collaboration with museums and cultural institutions, they organise exhibitions at home and abroad, presenting the works of renowned, as well as up-and-coming, contemporary photographers.

Further information available at: Changing Realities