Off on an adventure!

May 7, 2024

There has hardly been any other topic that has challenged our editorial team to such a degree, yet at the same time resulted in so many exciting images!
When the editorial team chose the subject of “Adventure” as the latest challenge for our LFI community, it was soon evident that it wouldn't be an easy task. What exactly is an adventure? After some lively discussions, we agreed that adventure includes everything that catapults us out of our comfort zone, confronts us with situations that we have rarely or never experienced, sparks our curiosity, and sometimes leads to uncertain conclusions. Having decided for this definition, we set off to explore the LFI.Gallery, looking for photos that reflect the pulse of the moment, and capture an instant buzz of excitement.

Whether taking a sailing boat across the eternal ice, getting to know foreign cities and new cultures, or waiting to see the sunset from a mountain peak, adventure photography demands a certain amount of courage both in front of and behind the camera, as well as the willingness to face the unknown. This art form is more than a question of simple snapshots – because the magic of adventure photography lies primarily in the stories that the pictures tell and the emotions that they trigger. 

Let yourself be inspired by our selection of adventure photos, and enjoy the journey!

Off on an adventure!