A time to look back: for many magazines, blogs and websites, Christmas is the time to evaluate the best of the year that is coming to an end. The same applies for us! However, rather than presenting the greatest portfolios, the most sympathetic photographers, and the most nail-biting productions, we’ve given a number of photographers the chance to speak.
A time to look back: for many magazines, blogs and websites, Christmas is the time to evaluate the best of the year that is coming to an end. The same applies for us! However, rather than presenting the greatest portfolios, the most sympathetic photographers, and the most nail-biting productions, we’ve given a number of photographers the chance to speak.
We asked them which photo book they would be happiest to see under the Christmas tree, either as a gift from another or from themselves. The answers take us to cityscapes, Japanese amusement parks, traditional Mexico and much more. We hope that you find the suggestions as uplifting as we do and wish you all a wonderful holiday season!