Looking death in the eye

April 30, 2018

Until 26 May 2018 Galérie Vu in Paris is showing Margot Wallard's project “Natten” that had been shortlisted for the Leica Oskar Barnack Award in 2015.
Until 26 May 2018 Galérie Vu in Paris is showing Margot Wallard's project “Natten” that had been shortlisted for the Leica Oskar Barnack Award in 2015. For her project “Natten” Margot Wallard chenged her way of taking pictures radically and started to make self-portraits for the first time.

“I used my body as a farewell song and the camera as a shield against the pain caused by the death of my brother and his partner. I use a medium format to oblige myself to be more quiet and slow. I needed to look death in the face; I found in nature a way of re-poetising it, a place and a quiet calm where she could express the process of questioning what I had just been through.”

The French photographer recorded reality, expressed in its purest form, scanned the the organic material around her, vegetable or mineral and dead animals she found on her expeditions through the Värmland region. By using this means of recording reality in its pure expression, she found a different way of coming to grips with it.

The exhibition is accompanied by the publication of her second monography at Max Strom publishing.

Looking death in the eye