China Time

November 10, 2014

The 360° Shanghai panorama by HG Esch is to be displayed at 'China Time' in Hamburg
The metropolis on the River Elbe currently hosts the fifth edition of China Time, encompassing more than 200 events. From 4 to 23 November 2014, an extensive programme of exhibitions, concerts and talks offers an insight into traditional and modern China.

360° walk-in panorama
Shanghai 360° is a detailed panoramic view of the Chinese metropolis created by renowned architectural photographer HG Esch. The walk-in installation is displayed in front Hamburg's Europa Passage. HG Esch's city-scape is reminiscent of the painted, true-to-life panoramas that were so popular in the 19th century. To achieve this high degree of realism, the panorama is composed of a total of sixty high-resolution photographs – of which twenty are placed side by side, and superimposed with two more images. All photographs were taken with a Leica S.

For further information visit CHINA TIME Hamburg 2014, 2014年汉堡“中国时代” and HG Esch

China Time