In this issue

Stephen Shore: Transparencies. In search of the aesthetics of daily life, Shore sharpens his ability to capture details that are often overlooked. A journey through the USA in the seventies

Michel Vanden Eeckhoudt: Of Animals and People. Striking images capturing relationships between people and animals, where a sense of humour and of melancholy walk hand in hand

Gaël Turine: Road to Resilience. A journey through Iran forty years after the revolution: daily life in a country where public spaces are severely regulated

Scott Brennan: Indigenous Resistance. Brennan documents the bitter fight confronting indigenous communities in Mexico, whose traditional culture is on the line

Letizia Le Fur: The Wealth of Continents. Using magical colour schemes, the French photographer tells of the existential fight for survival of an individual in a seemingly hostile world

F/STOP: Leica S3 | Leica M10 Monochrom
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LFI 03.2020