In dieser Ausgabe

Alfredo Cunha: Courage. He was brought up with photography from a young age, but first had to discover his own way of approaching it: the starting point for a fifty-year career

Cédric Roux: Marseille Rebelle. A visually powerful photographic declaration of love for the southern French port, which beats with a pulse that is very much its own

Eolo Perfido: Glances. Eolo Perfido loves to portray actors. The Italian photographer is amazed by their ability to transform themselves

Sarah Caron: The Last Mohana. The Mohana of Pakistan are traditionally at home on the water; yet many members of this ethnic group are forced to give up their way of life

Heiko Hellwig: Grand Ballet. In these beautifully staged images it really does look as though the Siamese fighting fish were dancing to a complex choreography

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LFI 05.2021