In dieser Ausgabe

Robin Hinsch: Wahala. Where does the oil that drives our world and our economy come from? The photographer Robin Hinsch looks for the answer in the Niger Delta

Terry LaRue: Lost and Found. An accident forced Terry LaRue to look for new challenges – a trip to Shanghai turned into personal therapy with a Leica camera

Ukraine Special: When I think about Ukraine… Nothing is the same since February 24, 2022 – it is memories and images that remain. Eight photographers share their thoughts about Ukraine

Yael Martínez: Family Moments. After the long Corona isolation, photographer Yael Martínez felt the need to capture familiar images: his family in their home

Christine de Grancy: Leica Classic. In May the Viennese photographer celebrates her 80th birthday: a good reason to look back over her theatre, portrait and reportage images

F/STOP: Leica M11 / M Lenses (III) / Leica Vintage
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LFI 04.2022