Open Call

January 24, 2025

Photographers are invited to enter their work for the 5th Kranj Foto Fest: submissions close on 23 February 2025. 
The organisers of the international Kranj Foto Fest have launched an Open Call for projects to be showcased at this year’s festival, which takes place in Kranj (Slovenia) from 27 August to 27 September 2025. 

A high-caliber jury will chose one main winner, who will receive a solo exhibition at the Kranj Foto Fest 2025 – along with a cash prize of €1000, travel expenses (max. €400) and accommodation for three nights during the festival’s opening week. In addition, up to 12 projects will be featured in group exhibitions displayed anywhere from historical monuments, art centres and the castle garden to woodlands, the riverside,  and the tunnels running under the medieval town. The selected artists will also be provided with a three-night stay during the opening week. 

The production costs for the exhibition are covered by the festival, whose sponsors include Leica Camera AG. 

Find out more about the festival and the submission process at Kranj Foto Fest
Katrin Ullmann

Open Call