The dedicated picture

August 1, 2014

Starting August 1, the MKG in Hamburg is presenting 'The dedicated picture. The photography collection in context'
Starting August 1, the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe in Hamburg is presenting 'Das engagierte Bild. Die Sammlung Fotografie im Kontext', reportage photography from the post-war era. Reportage photography blossomed during the fifties and sixties. Inspired by the idea that photography is a universally understandable language, many photo journalists see their work as an expression of social commitment and political responsibility.

Photojournalism during the post-war era
The exhibition focusses on photojournalism during the post-war era. On display are 40 pieces by Jürgen Heinemann, Ryuichi Hirokawa, Thomas Hoepker, Kaku Kurita, Robert Lebeck, Peter Magubane, Marc Riboud, Sebastião Salgado and Max Scheler, that reflect the developments of the genre since the sixties.

Further information at: Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe

The dedicated picture