RAY Triennial 2021: ‘Ideologies’

June 17, 2021

The fourth International Triennial for Fine Art Photography and Related Media continues in Frankfurt/Rhein-Main until September 12, 2021.
The fourth International Triennial for Fine Art Photography and Related Media continues in Frankfurt/Rhein-Main until September 12, 2021.

The RAY triennial is currently open in multiple locations across Frankfurt and the Rhein-Main Metropolitan Region. The 2021 edition explores the topic of ‘Ideologies’: what gives rise to them, how do they work? To what extent do they serve as an aid, or even a reason, for power, manipulation, exclusion and abuse?

The theme was developed by Anne-Marie Beckmann (Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation), Christina Leber (DZ BANK Art Collection), Alexandra Lechner (independent curator), Celina Lunsford (Fotografie Forum Frankfurt), Susanne Pfeffer and Anna Sailer (MMK Museum of Modern Art) and Matthias Wagner K (Museum of Applied Arts).

The triennial includes showcases by Akinbode Akinbiyi (b. 1946, UK/Nigeria), Máté Bartha (b. 1987, Hungary), Johanna Diehl (b. 1977, Germany), Yagazie Emezi (b. 1989, Nigeria/US), Ja’Tovia Gary (b. 1984, US), Eddo Hartmann (b. 1973, Netherlands), Paula Markert (b. 1982, Germany), Qiana Mestrich (b. 1977, US), Mohau Modisakeng (b. 1986, South Africa), Yves Sambu (b. 1980, DRCD), Adrian Sauer (b. 1976, Germany) and Salvatore Vitale (b. 1986, Italy).

For a full programme of festival exhibitions and events visit RAY 2021

RAY Triennial 2021: ‘Ideologies’