Young Photography in Niort

April 20, 2022

27 international artists, 7 exhibition venues: the Rencontres de la Jeune Photographie Internationales is open in Niort, France, until May 28, 2022.
From one postponement to another, from one month to the next, from opening to closing and reopening, with yet more Excel spreadsheets to update: nothing has discouraged the organisers of the Rencontres de la Jeune Photographie Internationales in Niorts. The long-awaited 2022 edition of the festival finally opened on April 1, and is set to continue until May 28, 2022. During this period, the French town of Niort once again serves as the backdrop for numerous exciting exhibitions by emerging young photographers such as Emma Riviera, Clémence Elman, Yorgos Yatromanolakis, Lisa de Boeck, Frederik Danielsen and Bedouin Mouanda, to name but a few.

Since December 2020, Leica photographer Frédéric Stucin has been spending one week a month in Niort. At the P'tite Cafète of the local hospital’s psychiatric department, he met and talked with patients and staff members alike, captured photographic portraits and gained profound insights into the reality and setting of psychiatric care. The resulting images are now showcased in a major exhibition at Niort’s Villa Pérochon.

Also featured: the project Scène Photographique by Brigitte Patient – an interview with musical interludes, just like a radio show! Originally planned for April 2020, then 2021, this new, dynamic way of discovering an artist in a live-performance context is finally coming to fruition.

In addition, the 2022 once again includes the Folle Nuit de Décrochage et d’Accrochage – enabling visitors to experience two exhibitions in the same location for one night only: the night from Friday, April 29, to Saturday, April 30, 2022.

For further information visit Villa Pérochon

Young Photography in Niort