The luxury of simplicity

October 7, 2014

From October 10, 2014 to February 22, 2015, the Stadtmuseum in Munich is presenting a group exhibition dedicated to lifestyles beyond the norm
Whether organically-oriented self-supporters, hippies, hermits or pilgrims: whenever people consciously choose to break out of the normality of everyday life, to find a new “home” beyond conventional norms, they hope to find things that our performance-oriented, excessive society apparently fails to offer: intrinsic value, meaningfulness and happiness.

This group exhibition takes a look at the search for alternative life styles. It brings together photographs and videos produced by contemporary, international artists, who explore the most diverse forms of counter culture.

The exhibition reveals many different motivations and ways of withdrawing from mainstream society. The selection of life styles presented ranges from temporary drop-outs and contemplative hermits, to spiritual communities, politically like-minded people, and visionaries for a better world.

Further information at: Münchner Stadtmuseum

The luxury of simplicity