Modern portrait photography

November 18, 2014

Starting November 21, the Camera Work gallery in Berlin is presenting 'Portraits', an exhibition of works by Martin Schoeller.
Starting November 21, the exhibition includes a special selection of works that have never been shown before. With over 60 pieces, Portraits reveals Martin Schoeller's unique understanding of portrait photography.

Full of wit and black humour
Tony Hawk with skateboard in his kitchen, Steve Carell's face covered with cello tape, and a beautiful Cate Blanchett with the wind playing around her, presented in black and white, direct and authentic: in Martin Schoeller's work, the viewer sees the protagonists from new perspectives.

With a lot of wit and black humour, Schoeller stages famous actors, politicians, moderators, sports people and musicians, such as George Clooney, Jeff Koons, Robert De Niro, Iggy Pop and Christoph Waltz, without eroding their personalities or humanity.

Further information at: Camera Work

Modern portrait photography