Postcards from Europe 10/14

October 18, 2014

An exhibition by Eva Leitolf is showing at the Kehrer Gallery in Berlin from 18 October to 30 November 2014 .
Since 2006, Eva Leitolf has been documenting the conflicts of global migration in her ongoing project Postcards from Europe. In the form of photographs and texts, she addresses the treatment of refugees both on the outer borders and within the European Union. Her images (taken in Spain and Morocco, Southern Italy, Hungary, the seaport cities of Dover and Calais, as well as Germany and Austria) capture moments beyond our familiar media reports.

Her photographs depict a range of locations that have been the setting of social exclusion, xenophobia and acts of violence. However, the artist shows these places entirely deserted, sometimes even devoid of any signs of civilisation. The resulting 'uneventful' images are accompanied by a sober piece of writing, factually outlining the specific events. Only by reading the text does the viewer understand why the location was noteworthy to the photographer.

For further information visit: Kehrer

Postcards from Europe 10/14