In dieser Ausgabe

Lightbox: Soul-driven yearning, burning need, quiet longing: the word desire can express many things. Objects of desire come in all possible shapes and sizes: these eight pictures taken by eight photographers reveal the diversity and originality with which the idea “that’s exactly what I want!” can be approached and expressed.

Joseph Michael Lopez: New Yorker. Joseph Michael Lopez was still a child when he left New York where he was born. He returned at the end of the nineties to work as a cameraman on Bruce Weber’s film ‘Chop Suey’, and decided to stay. Since 2002 Lopez has been working on his longterm project ‘Dear New Yorker’: street photography where the city’s urban canyons serve as a stage for the presentation of subjective sensitivities.

Alvaro Ybarra Zavala: Hasta la victoria siempre! “Until victory always!” – Che Guevara’s defiant battle cry also stands for the torpor the island of Cuba seemed to fall into just a few years after the 1958/59 revolution. Today however, new dynamics are developing – and not just in relationship to the United States. Supported by Mariela Castro Espín, daughter of the Head of State Raúl Castro, homosexuals are vociferously demanding their rights.

Matt Black: The People of Clouds. The indigenous Mixtec people live in southern Mexico, the cradle of corn cultivation. Once rich in tradition and resources, ‘the people of the clouds’ are now battling extreme poverty. Ground erosion, cheap corn imported from the USA, corruption – increasing numbers of Mixtec are leaving their homeland. Matt Black traced the migrants’ path back to their origins. His long-term project asks, what remains when everyone has left?

Jacob Aue Sobol: Exploring the Inner Self. The photographer Jacob Aue Sobol has been doing a lot of travelling. He has taken the Trans Siberian Railway through Russia, Mongolia and China three times, and most recently a car trip from his small Danish home town of Brøndby all the way to Moscow. It is not the places he is drawn to, but rather the brief and close encounters he has with strangers along the way before moving on to the next destination.

Per-Anders Pettersson: Made in Africa. Per-Anders Pettersson experienced his first Fashion Week in Johannesburg six years ago. It happened rather by chance while he was portraying South Africa’s middle class – but he was fascinated by the colourful and progressive world of fashion he discovered, and decided to attend fashion shows more frequently. The outcome is a comprehensive portrait of the lively scene that has gone unnoticed for much too long.

Julia Baier: Wet Wet Wet. Swimming and diving, splashing and spraying, paddling and floating, Julia Baier has been to just about every place where you can get wet: lakes and beaches, swimming and paddling pools, saunas and jacuzzis, from Japan to Hungary, from Iceland to Germany. This journey around the globe, is an anthem to the precious element, water, and to all those who get pleasure and benefit out of it.

Photographers: An overview of all M Magazine photographers.

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M 03.2015